Conference: Soldier in African Campaign


Date: Thu, 14 Mar 96 12:44:50 -600
From: Brian Morgan

I believe firmly that Jack the Ripper was a former Military Doctor who either served in South Africa, or India,or was at the seige of Karthoum in the Sudan campaign;it is my belief that he either contracted tertiary Syphilis in either one of a number places he might have been stationed in his career as a soldier;or he suffered from a head wound that caused him to have irrational mood swings; the reasons I base my frame work is from a London newspaper which I was reading from that when they did an autopsy on each of the victoms from each of the five murders they found evidence that the internal organs have been removed with "Surgical Precision As Though a Practiced Physician performed an intricate surgery" this was an excerpt from the London Globe dated November 12th,1888;I do not think it possible in any way shape or form that either Mr Deeming or the proposterous notion of Jill the Ripper. besides has in the past Scotland yard or British Military establishment checked records of Physicians disorderly discharged for putting shame upon the Queens own Army;which would have been a legitimate charge if any soldier was found to have either V.D. or any other sextual transmitted illness;also when examined that the earlier stages of Tertiary syphilis show traits of either violent traits or repeated behavierial patterns; if you look at noted people in criminology you will find that the most notible is one Alphonse Capone whom was credited directly and in directly with the killings of more than 600 people in gang land Chicago of the 1920's and early 30's where in the later stages left him rendered helpless and in a delusional state of mind.

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Date: 96-04-06 12:53:42 EST
From: Andrew J. Spallek

Of course, the degree of medical skill displayed by the Ripper is a matter of controversy. Experts disagreed at the time, some saying that not even the skill of a butcher was displayed. But your lead is interesting.

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Stephen P Ryder